TakeOut and Delivery

Life gets hectic sometimes. It’s important to offer convenient ways for your customers to enjoy your food – whether they are in your restaurant or not. Extend your business outside your walls by introducing flexible takeout and delivery options for your guests with NCR’s off-premise technology solution. You can open a new source of revenue for your business, increase your speed of service and order accuracy, and offer an easy way for your customers to get the food they love.
With our solutions, you gain:
  • Consistent customer lookup and the ability to quickly import customer data
  • Future, repeat and online order management and intuitive ordering process
  • Static and dynamic quote times based on kitchen load
  • Single-touch order assignment and itineraries with turn-by-turn directions
  • A wide range of available data fields including payment, loyalty and credit card

Online Ordering

Enable your customers to easily place orders for takeout or delivery from their computer or mobile device. Integrated directly with the POS and takeout functionality, online ordering functionality helps you:

  • Give customers what they want with location-specific menus that include accurate pricing and tax information and the ability to pay online
  • Increase your kitchen efficiency by funneling your mobile, online, call-in and in-house orders all through one single solution
  • Learn about your customers by adding customer surveys and question prompts after your customers place their order
  • Securely manage customer profile data and payment information






With our takeout functionality, your order entry, order management, production and delivery is consolidated into one package. Drive sales, staff efficiency and increased revenue by:

  • Associating loyalty and payment information with the checks for customers to have the satisfaction of earning rewards with their purchases
  • Identifying your customers and enter orders as fast possible with our powerful integrated caller ID, customer search, secure payment storage, loyalty integration and the ability to repeat previous orders.
  • Protecting future orders from getting lost with automated scheduling.
  • Enabling your customers to place orders online with orders routed automatically to the local prep area of the restaurant.






Adding delivery functionality to your solution is also another way to increase your revenue and provide a special service for your customers. Benefits include:

  • Fast delivery of food with integrated mapping tools that generate accurate, multi-stop routes in less than a second
  • Removing the guess work from planning driver routes by providing turn-by-turn directions and grocery items for each delivery run
  • Enhancing driver performance with the ability to assign orders to drivers with one touch of a button in the application