Monthly Archives: March 2017

Federal Menu Labeling Law

TRA NEWS – Menu Labeling

In 2010, Congress passed the federal menu labeling law which requires restaurants (part of a chain of 20 or more locations) to add calorie data to menus and make other information available to guests on request. These new menu labeling requirements take effect May 5, 2017 – are you ready? What do you need to post? When? And where? Find out in this 2-minute TRA News Now!

Texas Restaurant Association

Texas Restaurant Association

Annual TRA Convention July 9-10

TRA – Make plans to attend The annual Texas Restaurant Association (TCR) convention is coming to Dallas July 9-10.  To Register go to  The show is for restaurant owners, managers, chefs, and anyone interested in the hospitality industry.  Plan to take your time to sample foods and see new Restaurant […]